MAP Reading Fluency Professional Learning

Teacher in classroom smiling.

MAP Reading Fluency Professional Learning

Maximize the capabilities of MAP Reading Fluency with Coach

Maximize the capabilities of MAP Reading Fluency with Coach

Build capacity and drive student growth

Dedicated NWEA professional learning can ensure a successful MAPĀ® Reading Fluencyā„¢ with Coach implementation, helping you benefit from quality assessments, insightful reports, and a dedicated tutoring solution to improve reading growth for Kā€“5 students.

Working for you

NWEA has been extremely responsive to our needs and custom requests. It’s the strongest partnership that I’ve experienced within the educational arena.

Assessment Specialist
Grand Rapids Public Schools, MI

Which duration is right for me?

Data to support Instruction workshops

Data to support Instruction workshops

MAP Reading Fluency

Foundations Online provides flexible learning options, allowing you to stay up to date on the latest MAP Reading Fluency features and enhancements. Discover how key reports and data can be used to make impactful instructional decisions to move your students forward in their learning journey.

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Get started with MAP Reading FluencyĀ® by discovering what MAP Reading Fluency can do and how to use it efficiently in the classroom.

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Learn to access, interpret, apply, and share rich data from MAP Reading Fluency reports.

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Learn how MAP Reading Fluency data can inform instruction for all learners and how to align instructional practice with early reading development to differentiate effectively.

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Meet the needs of your team with on-demand, on-site, or virtual learning options.

Through live virtual, onsite, and on-demand professional learning opportunities, NWEA partners with districts and schools across the country to engage teachers and leaders in high-quality instruction that improves student outcomes.

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On-site learning

Face-to-face session with a consultant

For in-person settings, our workshops are available in a 3-hour on-site format

Line drawing of person speaking on laptop display.

Virtual learning

Live instruction through our on-line portal

Most offerings are available in 3-hour, 2-hour, and 1-hour virtual formats

Line drawing of hand pressing button.

On-demand learning

Learn on your own time

Available for MAP Growth Basics, MAP Reading Fluency Basics, and Getting Started with MAP Accelerator

Ready to learn more? Our team is here to help.

Ready to learn more? Our team is here to help.