Jason Mendenhall
President, State Solutions Division

Jason Mendenhall leads the organization in developing statewide assessments that go beyond measuring whether learning happened to supporting educators in fostering it. With a focus on student-centered, instructionally relevant test designs, the division works in partnership with states to develop innovative solutions that produce timely, high quality data to support accountability purposes as well as information that teachers can use to take impactful action and improve educational outcomes for all students.
Jason joined NWEA in 2003 after a career in the classroom as a secondary and post-secondary educator. He has served in a number of capacities at NWEA, including chief product officer and executive vice president of research, vice president of publishing and test development, senior director of strategic implementation, director of alternative markets and supplemental service programs, and director of product strategy.
In 2014, Jason joined Rubicon International as a partner and later founded Argo Advisors, an education consulting firm focused on student-centered learning system. In 2016 he returned to NWEA as the sr. vice president of strategic solutions and before assuming his current role.
Jason has BA in biology and literature and a masterās in teaching from Pacific University where he currently serves on the advisory council for the College of Education.