As 2024 comes to a close, the team at Teach. Learn. Grow. is grateful for another year of supporting educators in doing their best work in service of the countless kids ready to learn, grow, and reach their potential. Here are the posts that resonated most with our readers in the last twelve months. We hope they will energize you as you prepare to return to the classroom following a well-deserved winter break.
Posts about formative assessment
Formative assessment is an invaluable tool for teachers. It lets you get a good sense for where your students are in their learning without the high stakes of an end-of-unit test or state summative. Best of all, it provides information in real time, so you can adapt your lesson plans as needed to keep all the kids in your room engaged and doing their best.
Here are the most popular Teach. Learn. Grow. posts about formative assessment in 2024:
- “What is formative assessment?”
- “27 easy formative assessment strategies for gathering evidence of student learning”
- “75 digital tools and apps teachers can use to support formative assessment in the classroom”
For more on formative assessment, head over to our formative assessment archive.
Posts about MAP Growth
When used in conjunction with formative assessment and other student data, MAP® Growth™ can help provide an even clearer view into student learning. We recommend administering the interim assessment three times a year: in the fall, winter, and spring. That will allow you to see trends over time and, just like with formative assessment, make adjustments as needed to help all the children in your classroom reach grade-level standards by the close of the school year.
Understanding how MAP Growth works is critical for success. The three most popular posts about the assessment are:
- “6 commonly used MAP Growth terms worth knowing”
- “12 common questions parents ask about MAP Growth”
- “Sharing assessment data with parents just got simpler”
To learn more about MAP Growth, visit our website, YouTube channel, and archive of MAP Growth posts here on Teach. Learn. Grow.
Posts about literacy
Reading changes lives and is, arguably, the most important skill children are asked to master in elementary school. It may also be the most difficult.
The following are the most popular posts about literacy instruction:
- “The science of reading explained”
- “The science of teaching reading comprehension”
- “6 strategies for teaching multisyllabic word reading”
Learn more by visiting the Teach. Learn. Grow. archives on the science of reading and on reading more generally, including working with children with dyslexia. If your school tests with MAP® Reading Fluency™, you may find our archive of posts about how to get the most out of the literacy assessment useful as well.
Posts about NWEA research
How do we know what works best for students? Research. Our team of researchers is always hard at work studying which practices work—and why.
Here are the two most popular posts about NWEA research findings of 2024:
- “What the research tells us about four-day school weeks”
- “Summer learning loss: What we know and what we’re learning”
Read more in the research archive.