Tik Tok ā€“ Making Learning Social

NCTM 2022 Regional Conference & Exposition Baltimore Convention Center 1 West Pratt Street, Baltimore, Maryland, United States

Organizing Schools for Improvement: An Overview of the 5Essentials

What are the key conditions in schools that successfully set them up for meaningful, sustainable improvement? This introduction to the 5Essentials, a leading research-based school improvement framework and survey, will teach participants about the three decades of research that undergird the 5Essentials as well as some of the most critical building blocks for a strong,

Responsive Literacy Practices: Early Word Recognition Part 1 and 2

Deepen pedagogical content knowledge for early literacy instruction grounded in the converging evidence in science of reading research. This offering helps Kā€“2 educators implement effective literacy instruction through accessible, classroom- and evidence-based practices for a sounds-first approach.*Note: This workshop consists of 2 (two) 3-hour sessions. Part 1 - Key Questions: How do sounds in the

Equity Empowered Learning – Leveraging Data for Equity

We believe that ā€œstudent-centered instruction is the basis of an equitable educational practice.ā€ Identifying where and how equity enters is the first step in eliminating barriers to access and opportunities that put students at a disadvantage. Explore how data supports the responsive planning cycle and how to meet students at their zones of proximal development

Equity Empowered Learning – Equitable Instructional Practices

We believe that ā€œequitable and excellent education uses an asset-based mindset creates a welcoming, inclusive, and affirming environment.ā€ Learn how to achieve equitable instruction and student outcomes through self-reflection, empathy exercises, and observation of student perspectives. In this offering, youā€™ll explore how the intersection of equity and academic identities shapes student engagement and success. Youā€™ll