Professional Learning:
Math & Literacy Suites

Develop the content area knowledge and pedagogical practices needed to master the fundamentals of literacy and math instruction.
Develop the content area knowledge and pedagogical practices needed to master the fundamentals of literacy and math instruction.
Content-Focused Professional Learning from NWEA is designed to enhance educatorsā content knowledge and strengthen their pedagogical practice across mathematics and literacy.
Content-Focused Professional Learning from NWEA is designed to enhance educatorsā content knowledge and strengthen their pedagogical practice across mathematics and literacy.

Sustained, content-driven learning to evolve your professional practice
Content-Focused Professional Learning workshops
Content-Focused Professional Learning workshops
The math and literacy suites provide teachers with a deep understanding of content- and research-based instructional practices, along with ways to apply that understanding to their unique grade-level instructional needs and content standards.
Literacy Practices suite
Literacy Practices suite
Deepen pedagogical content knowledge for early literacy instruction grounded in the converging evidence from science of reading research. This 6-hourāÆoffering helps Kā2 educators implement effective literacy instruction through accessible, classroom- and evidence-based practices for a sounds-first approach.
Fluency is a bridge between studentsā decoding of connected text and determining meaning. Designed for Kā5 teachers, reading specialists, instructional coaches, and principals, this offering provides time to learn classroom strategies aligned to reading science and examine the variables affecting reading fluency. Participants will learn activities to increase fluency for every phase of reading, from beginning readers who need to build automaticity with letter sounds, to accurate word readers building text reading fluency, to highly skilled readers’ who are improving their fluency in reading comprehension. These practices, aligned with research in reading and cognitive science, can help educators increase studentsā word recognition and comprehension fluency across the grade bands. āÆ
Fluency plays an integral role in bridging studentsā decoding to automatic reading of connected text to determine meaning. In this offering, participants will discover strategies to help students increase fluency, advance their pedagogical content knowledge by analyzing reading fluency components, and examine the variables impacting reading fluency.
Beginning with a solid understanding of what is at the heart of todayās college- and career-ready standards will provide educators with essential knowledge for instructional practice. In these foundational sessions, participants will gain a deep understanding of the key shifts in literacy, how they progress, and the development of a classroom culture that supports discourse and builds a culturally responsive environment. This provides both teachers and administrators with a foundation for the upcoming content within the workshop series if a school or district deems it appropriate.
Our brains are wired to learn spoken language, but learning to read does not happen the same way! By teaching reading in ways that align with how the brain acquires, processes, and retains letters, sounds, and language, we support all studentsā reading success. In this offering, participants will learn how students learn to read, the multiple components that make up reading, and how to structure their reading instruction to align to the science of reading research.
Responsive Math Practices suite
Responsive Math Practices suite
Beginning with a solid understanding of what is at the heart of todayās college- and career-ready standards will provide you with essential knowledge for your instructional practice. In these foundational sessions, you will gain a deep understanding of the key shifts in mathematics, how they progress, and the development of a classroom culture that supports mathematical discourse and builds a culturally responsive environment. This provides both teachers and administration with a foundation for the upcoming content within the offering series if a school or district deems it appropriate.
Strengthening teachersā math identities and cultivating questioning skills can help you uncover student understanding and make instructional decisions that lead all learners to success. Customizable to grade bands Kā2, 3ā5, or 6ā8, this offering helps participants discover and practice strategies to increase the value of classroom discussions and enable making timely instructional adjustments based on student responses.
As students progress and build their mathematical understanding, flexibility and accuracy with fractions are key elements for determining student success. Grades 3ā5 teachers need to support all children in building their understanding of a fraction as a single number and conceptualizing fractions as part of the number system. In this offering, participants will discover the mathematical concepts underlying fractions, how to tackle common misconceptions, and how to make timely instructional adjustments based on student understanding.
This 6-hour offering addresses supporting students in building fluency with integer operations.āÆThe session cultivates habits of thinking about integer concepts for middle-grades teachers and provides space to collaborate with colleagues to consider the underlying concepts that foreground student fluency with integer operations.
Designed as an optional accompaniment to the Guided by the Shifts workshop, this self-paced eLearning leads educators in how to determine the rigor expectations of math content standards and tasks and to support the appropriate balance of rigor to ensure all students’ success.

Meet the needs of your team with on-site or virtual delivery options.

On-site learning
Face-to-face session with a consultant

Virtual learning
Live instruction through our online portal
Ready to learn more? Our team is here to help.
Ready to learn more? Our team is here to help.
What’s next in your learning journey?
Data to Support Instruction Professional Learning Series
Whether youāre just getting started or looking to hone your skills, these professional learning experiences offer a comprehensive look at each solution in the MAPĀ® Suite of assessments. From administration to applying results, get the tools and knowledge you need to support lesson planning, interventions, goal setting, and more.
Responsive Teaching and Learning Professional Learning Series
This series features a planned, ongoing process that teaches educators to develop the mindset, systems, and practices that empower the student as the center of the learning and are key to changing student outcomes and using assessments as part of a strategy to achieve growth.
Creating Supportive Environments Professional Learning Series
The Equity-Empowered Learning suite in this series focuses on equity as it relates to access to content for students and teachers and high-quality instruction. It makes equitable teaching practices tangible and highly actionable on a daily basis by heightening awareness of the various equity tie-ins to instruction and identifying data practices and instructional moves that allow for greater equity and improved student outcomes.
Instructional coaching for teachers
Continue the learning from any of our offerings by adding collaborative coaching. A highly qualified thought partner and practitioner will lead teachers through an inquiry-based coaching cycle to deliver a highly responsive and contextualized experience that takes the learning from theory to practice, using evidence-based and research-driven methods to build teacher capacity, efficacy, and instructional skill.Ā
Learning and evaluation services
This set of tailored tools and services measures the impact of professional learning on participants, school systems, and students. Beginning with a comprehensive needs assessment, our evaluation services are fully integrated with the planning and delivery of your professional learning to ensure the unique learning needs of your district are being met.