Content-focused professional learning: Literacy suite

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Professional Learning:
Literacy Suite

Develop the content area knowledge and pedagogical practices needed to master the fundamentals of literacy instruction.

Develop the content area knowledge and pedagogical practices needed to master the fundamentals of literacy instruction.

Content-Focused Professional Learning from NWEA is designed to enhance educatorsā€™ content knowledge and strengthen their pedagogical practice across literacy.

Content-Focused Professional Learning from NWEA is designed to enhance educatorsā€™ content knowledge and strengthen their pedagogical practice across literacy.

Sustained, content-driven learning to evolve your professional practice

Content-Focused Professional Learning workshops

Content-Focused Professional Learning workshops

The literacy suite provide teachers with a deep understanding of content- and research-based instructional practices, along with ways to apply that understanding to their unique grade-level instructional needs and content standards.

Literacy Practices suite

Literacy Practices suite

Deepen pedagogical content knowledge for early literacy instruction grounded in the converging evidence from science of reading research. This 6-hourā€Æoffering helps Kā€“2 educators implement effective literacy instruction through accessible, classroom- and evidence-based practices for a sounds-first approach.

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Writing empowers students to generate knowledge, communicate ideas, and expand their thinking. This offering lays the groundwork for understanding how writing happens, what writers need to grow, and why writing is essential for every content area.

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Fluency plays an integral role in bridging studentsā€™ decoding to automatic reading of connected text to determine meaning. In this offering, participants will discover strategies to help students increase fluency, advance their pedagogical content knowledge by analyzing reading fluency components, and examine the variables impacting reading fluency.

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Beginning with a solid understanding of what is at the heart of todayā€™s college- and career-ready standards will provide educators with essential knowledge for instructional practice. In these foundational sessions, participants will gain a deep understanding of the key shifts in literacy, how they progress, and the development of a classroom culture that supports discourse and builds a culturally responsive environment. This provides both teachers and administrators with a foundation for the upcoming content within the workshop series if a school or district deems it appropriate.

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Our brains are wired to learn spoken language, but learning to read does not happen the same way! By teaching reading in ways that align with how the brain acquires, processes, and retains letters, sounds, and language, we support all studentsā€™ reading success. In this offering, participants will learn how students learn to read, the multiple components that make up reading, and how to structure their reading instruction to align to the science of reading research.

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Educators will explore literacy assessments, learning difficulties, and evidence-aligned methods for supporting academically, culturally and linguistically diverse students.

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Learn best practices for teaching rich vocabulary, both implicitly and explicitly throughout the day, to improve studentsā€™ overall language and reading comprehension.

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Deepen the important knowledge gained from the Early Word Recognition workshop to learn about multisyllabic word decoding, morphology, and graphosyllabic anaylsis.

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Get a better understanding of how to help students develop a coherent schema around a text topic by exploring the levels of cognitive representations that are constructed during comprehension, including the surface code, textbase, and the situation model.

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Meet the needs of your team with on-site or virtual delivery options.

Line drawing of person presenting

On-site learning

Face-to-face session with a consultant

Line drawing of person speaking on laptop display.

Virtual learning

Live instruction through our online portal

Ready to learn more? Our team is here to help.

Ready to learn more? Our team is here to help.