Technical appendix for: The widening achievement divide during COVID-19
The purpose of this technical appendix is to share more detailed results and to describe more fully the sample and methods used in the research included in the brief, The widening achievement divide during COVID-19.
By: Megan Kuhfeld, Meredith Langi, Karyn Lewis
Topics: COVID-19 & schools, Equity

The widening achievement divide during COVID-19
New research provides additional evidence of the uneven impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic showing that students’ math and reading test scores are more variable in spring 2022 than before the pandemic in part because the divide between high and low achievers has widened.
By: Karyn Lewis, Megan Kuhfeld, Meredith Langi, Scott J. Peters, Erin Fahle
Topics: COVID-19 & schools, Equity

COVID-19 in the early elementary years: A comparison of achievement in spring 2019 and spring 2022
New NWEA research provides further evidence of the challenges that young learners are currently facing from the disruptions of the COVID-19 pandemic.
By: Megan Kuhfeld, Karyn Lewis
Topics: COVID-19 & schools, Early learning, Equity

Longitudinal models of reading and mathematics achievement in deaf and hard of hearing students
New research using longitudinal data provides evidence that deaf and hard of hearing (DHH) students continue to build skills in math and reading throughout grades 2 to 8, challenging assumptions that DHH students’ skills plataeu in elementary grades.
By: Stephanie Cawthon, Johny Daniel, North Cooc, Ana Vielma
Topics: Equity, Measurement & scaling

District and school leaders’ perspectives on leading & learning during the COVID-19 pandemic
This report captures the perspectives of district, school, and teacher leaders (hereafter referred to as “local leaders”) to surface best practices for supporting student learning during COVID-19.
By: Hayley Weddle, Ayesha K. Hashim, Ogechi Irondi
Topics: COVID-19 & schools, Empowering educators

Technical appendix for: Student achievement in 2021-22: Cause for hope and continued urgency
The purpose of this technical appendix is to share more detailed results and describe the sample and methods used in the research included in Student achievement in 2021-22: Cause for hope and continued urgency.
By: Megan Kuhfeld, Karyn Lewis
Topics: COVID-19 & schools, Equity

Student achievement in 2021-22: Cause for hope and continued urgency
New NWEA research finds signs of academic rebounding in the 2021-22 school year while simultaneously underscoring the sustained need for urgency in responding to the COVID-19 crisis.
By: Megan Kuhfeld, Karyn Lewis
Topics: COVID-19 & schools