A cessation of measurement: Identifying test taker disengagement using response time
Wise, S., & Kuhfeld, M. (2020). A cessation of measurement: Identifying test taker disengagement using response time. In M. Margolis, & R. Feinberg (Eds.), Integrating Timing Considerations to Improve Testing Practices, Routledge.
June 2020

This chapter explores both what happens when test takers disengage and how this disengagement should be managed during scoring. The potency of an item response’s information depends on the strength of a positive relationship between response correctness and achievement level. This is a familiar concept in measurement: under classical test theory authors routinely remove items that do not exhibit positive item-total correlations during item analyses. Hence, the choice to include/exclude rapid guesses during scoring hinges primarily on whether measurement is intended to indicate as accurately as possible what the test taker knows and can do or if it represents an achievement hurdle that is considered the test taker’s responsibility to clear. Research using this capability has revealed that test takers generally disengage during only a portion of their items and that these disengaged responses reflect a momentary cessation of measurement. These findings underscore the essential role of test-taking engagement in our pursuit of valid scores.
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Topics: School & test engagement