Mind the kinder-gap: New data on children’s math and reading skills as they enter kindergarten
Data on children’s academic preparation at kindergarten entry tell a story of both declining achievement and shrinking gaps.
By: Christine Pitts, Megan Kuhfeld
Topics: Early learning, Equity

A huge portion of what we know about how humans develop, learn, behave, and interact is based on survey data. Although there is great deal of guidance on scaling and linking IRT-based large-scale educational assessment to facilitate the estimation of examinee growth, little of this expertise is brought to bear in the scaling of psychological and social-emotional constructs. Through a series of simulation and empirical studies, we produce scores in a single-cohort repeated measure design using sum scores as well as multiple IRT approaches and compare the recovery of growth estimates from longitudinal growth models using each set of scores.
By: Megan Kuhfeld, James Soland
Topics: Measurement & scaling, Growth modeling, Social-emotional learning

A cessation of measurement: Identifying test taker disengagement using response time
In this session from the National Council on Measurement in Education 2020 virtual conference (from 1:06:40 in video), Dr. Wise shares research insights into test disengagement and how disengagement should be managed in scoring.
By: Steven Wise, Megan Kuhfeld

Parameter estimation accuracy of the effort-moderated IRT model under multiple assumption violations
This session from the National Council on Measurement in Education 2020 virtual conference presents new research findings on understanding and managing test-taking disengagement.
By: James Soland, Joseph Rios

Using retest data to evaluate and improve effort-moderated scoring
This session from the National Council on Measurement in Education 2020 virtual conference presents new research findings on understanding and managing test-taking disengagement (presentation begins at 22:55).
By: Steven Wise, Megan Kuhfeld

This session from the 2020 National Council on Measurement in Education virtual conference presents new research findings on understanding and managing test-taking disengagement. (Presentation begins at 22:55).
By: James Soland, Steven Wise
Topics: School & test engagement

Dual language education and academic growth
This study examined math and reading academic achievement and growth in grades 2 to 8 for Hispanic participants and nonparticipants of a Spanish-English dual language program.
By: Angela Johnson
Topics: Equity, English Language Learners, Seasonal learning patterns & summer loss