Research shows students falling months behind during virus disruptions
The abrupt switch to remote learning wiped out academic gains for many students in America, and widened racial and economic gaps. Catching up in the fall won’t be easy.
The New York Times (2020, June 5)
Mentions: Megan Kuhfeld, James Soland, Beth Tarasawa, Angela Johnson, Erik Ruzek, Jing Liu
Topics: Equity, COVID-19 & schools, Seasonal learning patterns & summer loss

Impacts of school entry age on academic growth through second grade
Does entering school older give students an edge? New research suggests an early advantage may fade in later grades.
By: Angela Johnson, Megan Kuhfeld
Topics: Student growth & accountability policies, Early learning

Correlates of change in elementary students’ perceptions of interactions with their teacher
This study leveraged a racially/ethnically diverse sample of third and fourth grade students and teachers in a large, urban district to investigate whether stable student and teacher characteristics (e.g., sex) and observed quality of classroom interactions influenced change in students’ perceptions of interactions with their teacher.
By: Catherine Corbin, Erik Ruzek, Jason Downer, Amy Lowenstein, Joshua Brown
Topics: Equity, Social-emotional learning

Calibration of Spanish MAP Growth Math tests
The calibration study was conducted to investigate the consequences of replacing the English MAP Growth Mathematics item parameters with the Spanish mathematics item parameters.
By: Shudong Wang, Xueming (Sylvia) Li
Products: MAP Growth, MAP Spanish

The impact of COVID-19 on student achievement and what it may mean for educators
In this Brookings Brown Center Chalkboard blog, James Soland shares new research projections on potential impacts of COVID-19 school closures on student achievement, how wide the range in achievement might be between high and low-performing students, and what this may mean for educators.
By: James Soland, Megan Kuhfeld, Beth Tarasawa, Angela Johnson, Erik Ruzek, Jing Liu
Topics: Equity, COVID-19 & schools, Seasonal learning patterns & summer loss

This study presents a framework that uses academic trajectories in the middle grades for identifying students in need of intervention and providing targeted support.
By: Angela Johnson, Megan Kuhfeld, Greg King
Topics: Student growth & accountability policies, College & career readiness, Middle school

The effects of early college opportunities on English Learners
English Learners (ELs) lag behind their peers in postsecondary attainment. New research reports findings from the first three years of an intervention that offers Early College opportunities in high schools serving large EL populations.
By: Diana Mercado-Garcia
Topics: English Language Learners, Equity, High school