Trends in children’s academic skills at school entry: 2010 – 2017
This study provides the first national insight into trends and disparities in the academic skills of children at school entry for students who began kindergarten between 2010 and 2017.
By: Megan Kuhfeld, James Soland, Christine Pitts, Margaret Burchinal
Topics: Equity, Early learning

Reconciling long-term education policy goals with short-term school accountability models
Learn more about the effect of seasonality on estimates of school effectiveness and how ignoring summer loss can impact which schools are identified as low performers.
Topics: Growth modeling, Seasonal learning patterns & summer loss, Student growth & accountability policies

Validating the SEDA measures of district educational opportunities via a common assessment
SEDA provides a unique measure of educational opportunity across the United States. New research supports SEDA achievement scores, but also reveals some differences in growth estimates.
By: Megan Kuhfeld, Thurston Domina, Paul Hanselman
Topics: Equity, Growth modeling, Measurement & scaling

Social-emotional learning competencies are important for student success, but are they stable over time? This study explores this question and the implications for teachers and schools.
By: James Soland, Megan Kuhfeld, Emily Wolk, Sharon Bi
Topics: Measurement & scaling, Social-emotional learning, Student growth & accountability policies

The impact of proctor notification when students disengage
How do you help make sure students give their best effort on testing day? New research on student test engagement shows how proctor notification can make a significant impact.
By: Steven Wise, Megan Kuhfeld, James Soland
Topics: Measurement & scaling, Innovations in reporting & assessment, School & test engagement

The impact of technology-enhanced items on test-taker disengagement
Can technology-enhanced items increase student engagement on assessments? A new study provides insight.
By: Steven Wise, James Soland, Laurence Dupray
Topics: School & test engagement, Innovations in reporting & assessment

Is social-emotional learning (SEL) a set of discrete skills or a broader competency? New research provides insights.
By: Megan Kuhfeld