Do students’ social-emotional learning (SEL) skills in middle school predict being off-track to graduate high school?
By: James Soland, Megan Kuhfeld
Topics: Growth modeling, High-growth schools & practices, Social-emotional learning

Are achievement gap estimates biased by differential student test effort?
New research shows that test effort differs substantially across student gender and racial subgroups. What does this mean for achievement gap estimates?
By: James Soland
Topics: Equity, School & test engagement, Social-emotional learning

English Language Learners, self-efficacy, and the achievement gap
Learn more about the relationship between self-efficacy and the persistence of achievement gaps for English Language Learners.
By: James Soland
Topics: Equity, English Language Learners, Social-emotional learning

School effectiveness, summer loss and federal accountability
Learn more about the effect of seasonality on estimates of school effectiveness and how ignoring summer loss can impact which schools are identified as low performers.
Topics: Growth modeling, Seasonal learning patterns & summer loss, Student growth & accountability policies

In partnership with Santa Ana Unified School District, we explore the impact of chronic absenteeism on student achievement over two years and whether missing 10% of days is too late to take action.
Topics: School & test engagement

In this study, multivariate models that jointly estimate growth in achievement and self-efficacy during middle school are used to see how underlying developmental processes relate for ELLs.
By: James Soland
Topics: Equity, English Language Learners, Social-emotional learning

In this study, we introduce those disengagement metrics for a policy and evaluation audience, including how disengagement might bias estimates of educational effectiveness. Analytically, we use data from a state administering a computer-based test to examine the effect of test disengagement on estimates of school contributions to student growth, achievement gaps, and summer learning loss.
By: Megan Kuhfeld, James Soland
Topics: Measurement & scaling, School & test engagement, Student growth & accountability policies