New NWEA Research Explores the Relationships Between Poverty and School Performance
Learn what research shows about how the use of achievement data as the predominant metric for determining school success may perpetuate education inequity.
By: Andrew Hegedus
Topics: Equity, High-growth schools & practices

Three research-based culturally responsive teaching strategies
Strategies from the Multnomah County Partnership for Education Research can help strengthen student-teacher relationships and improve student achievement.
By: Beth Tarasawa
Topics: Empowering educators, Equity

Summer learning loss: Does it widen the achievement gap?
Megan Kuhfeld shares work exploring how differing patterns of summer learning loss or growth may impact academic achievement gaps.
By: Megan Kuhfeld

Back-to-school accessibility checklist
Devices are only as accessible as the content they deliver to students. Put your vendor list to the test with these accessibility questions.
By: Elizabeth Barker
Topics: Accessibility

This kindergarten sneak preview helps families hit the ground running
For three weeks in the summer, children who are entering kindergarten in Portland, Oregon, get ready and get excited to start school. While it’s no substitute for pre-K, getting a preview helps ease the transition for kids, and offers parents a sense of connection. Special correspondent Lisa Stark of Education Week reports.
PBS News Hour
Mentions: Beth Tarasawa
Topics: Early learning, Equity, High-growth schools & practices

Evaluating the relationships between poverty and school performance
This visualization presents findings from our report Evaluating the Relationships Between Poverty and School Performance and gives you the chance to explore how your school site compares to schools from the sample.
By: Andrew Hegedus
Topics: Equity, High-growth schools & practices

Summer learning loss: What we know and what we’re learning
In this blog, Megan Kuhfeld shares background on what we know about summer learning loss, and the significant gaps that remain in our understanding that drive her work to take a fresh – and deeper – look at the phenomenon.
By: Megan Kuhfeld