Seven successful strategies for literate assessment
Evidence that suggests principals’ knowledge and skills in relation to assessment leadership—such as incorporating professional development, use of assessment data in classroom planning, and nurturing professional collaboration on matters of student achievement and instruction—are of fundamental importance to building assessment literacy among their teachers.
By: Beth Tarasawa, Amelia Wenk Gotwals, Cara Jackson
Topics: Empowering educators, High-growth schools & practices

When computer-based tests are used, disengagement can be detected through occurrences of rapid-guessing behavior. This empirical study investigated the impact of a new effort monitoring feature that can detect rapid guessing, as it occurs, and notify proctors that a test taker has become disengaged.
By: Steven Wise, Megan Kuhfeld, James Soland
Topics: Measurement & scaling, Innovations in reporting & assessment, School & test engagement

Identifying disengaged survey responses: New evidence using response time metadata
In this study, we condition results from a variety of detection methods used to identify disengaged survey responses on response times. We then show how this conditional approach may be useful in identifying where to set response time thresholds for survey items, as well as in avoiding misclassification when using other detection methods.
By: James Soland, Steven Wise, Lingyun Gao

Design Challenge winner: Student assessment engagement
In this CASEL Measuring SEL blog, James Soland shares how work with Santa Ana Unified School District led to new insights on how item response times and test metadata may provide insight into student SEL.
By: James Soland
Topics: School & test engagement, Innovations in reporting & assessment, Social-emotional learning

A longitudinal study of reading growth for students with visual impairments
Using data from Northwest Evaluation Association’s Measures of Academic Progress assessment, reading achievement was analyzed from 224 students with visual impairments in grades 3–10, in four states over an eight-year time period.
By: Beth Boroson, Elizabeth Barker, Xueming (Sylvia) Li
Topics: Accessibility, Growth, Reading & language arts

Robust IRT scaling: Considerations in constructing item bank from tests across years
This study investigates the impact of three different IRT scaling and equating methods in building an item bank of tests from 23 years of a national licensure exam . The study focuses on several key psychometric issues including scaledriftandequatingerrors.
By: Jungnam Kim, Dong-In Kim, Furong Gao
Topics: Measurement & scaling, Computer adaptive testing, Item response theory

This dissertation for the University of Oregon examined the relationship between varying degrees of technology-enhancements applied in a mathematics performance task on the outcome of student cognitive engagement.
By: Meg Guerreiro
Topics: School & test engagement, Math & STEM