This manuscript reports results from two studies conducted during the development of KinderTEK, an iPad delivered kindergarten mathematics intervention, to determine the relationship between instructor-reported technology experience and intervention implementation, as measured by student use.
By: Lina Shanley, Mari Strand Cary, Ben Clarke, Meg Guerreiro, Michael Thier

A longitudinal study of reading growth for students with visual impairments
This study compares reading growth for students with visual impairments with a nationally normed group of students from the general population using data from the NWEA MAP Growth assessment.
By: Beth Boroson, Elizabeth Barker, Xueming Li
Topics: Equity, Accessibility, Reading & language arts

Rapid‐guessing behavior: Its identification, interpretation, and implications
The rise of computer‐based testing has brought with it the capability to measure more aspects of a test event than simply the answers selected or constructed by the test taker. One behavior that has drawn much research interest is the time test takers spend responding to individual multiple‐choice items.
By: Steven Wise
Topics: Measurement & scaling, Innovations in reporting & assessment, School & test engagement

Using a nationally representative dataset with thousands of measures, I employ data reduction techniques to identify a handful of variables that are the strongest predictors of college readiness and understand what they measure.
By: James Soland

This article addresses the issue by estimating teacher value added, then applying extremely mild nonlinear transformations to the original scale and re-estimating the value added. Although by definition at most one of these scales can be equal-interval, all are treated as if interval-scaled when estimating value added.
By: James Soland
Topics: Measurement & scaling, Student growth & accountability policies

This article details the early kindergarten transition (EKT) program evaluation study conducted by a university–district partnership, as well as testimony from district leadership on the utility of the research deliverables and the longterm benefits of the research collaboration.
By: Beth Tarasawa, Nicole Ralson, Jacqueline Waggoner
Topics: Empowering educators

A general approach to measuring test-taking effort on computer-based tests
The current study outlines a general process for measuring item-level effort that can be applied to an expanded set of item types and test-taking behaviors (such as omitted or constructed responses). This process, which is illustrated with data from a large-scale assessment program, should improve our ability to detect non-effortful test taking and perform individual score validation.
By: Steven Wise, Lingyun Gao
Topics: Measurement & scaling, Innovations in reporting & assessment, Student growth & accountability policies