COVID-19 & schools

Thanks to teachers, learning loss this year was not as bad as projected, NWEA finds
EdSurge’s Emily Tate shares a new report out from NWEA that offers insight into just how steep the so-called COVID slide has been so far.
Mentions: Megan Kuhfeld
Topics: COVID-19 & schools

Early data on learning loss show big drop in math, but not reading skills
EdSource’s John Fensterwald shares new research from NWEA on the impacts of COVID-19 disruptions on student learning.
Mentions: Megan Kuhfeld
Topics: COVID-19 & schools

Comparability analysis of remote and in-person MAP Growth testing in fall 2020
How have COVID-19 school closures impacted student academic growth and achievement? New research using fall 2020 MAP Growth assessment data for 4.4 million students provides new insights, key findings, and actionable recommendations.
By: Megan Kuhfeld, Karyn Lewis, Patrick Meyer, Beth Tarasawa
Topics: COVID-19 & schools, Measurement & scaling, School & test engagement

Fall 2019 to fall 2020 MAP Growth attrition analysis
This study examined patterns of MAP Growth assessment attrition by schools and students from fall 2019 to fall 2020. Demographic differences between students tested in fall 2020 and attriters suggest impacts of COVID-19 on achievement are likely underestimated, highlighting the importance of considering students missing from school or assessment to best support growth and recovery.
By: Angela Johnson, Megan Kuhfeld
Topics: Equity, COVID-19 & schools

This technical brief provides additional detail on the samples, methodology, and results from analyses highlighted in the brief, Learning during COVID-19: Initial findings on studentsā reading and math achievement and growth.
Topics: COVID-19 & schools, Measurement & scaling

Learning during COVID-19: Initial findings on studentsā reading and math achievement and growth
How have COVID-19 school closures impacted student academic growth and achievement? New research using fall 2020 MAP Growth assessment data for 4.4 million students provides new insights, key findings, and actionable recommendations.
By: Megan Kuhfeld, Beth Tarasawa, Angela Johnson, Erik Ruzek, Karyn Lewis
Topics: Equity, COVID-19 & schools, Measurement & scaling

In this AERA video brief, Megan Kuhfeld shares major findings and implications of preliminary projections of the potential impact of COVID-19-related school closures in spring 2020 on student learning, published this month in Educational Researcher.
Mentions: Megan Kuhfeld, James Soland, Beth Tarasawa, Angela Johnson, Erik Ruzek, Jing Liu
Topics: COVID-19 & schools, Growth modeling, Seasonal learning patterns & summer loss