Early learning
What children learn in early years provides a crucial foundation for their future academic success. But it is sometimes challenging to measure patterns in achievement and growth for young learners when different assessments are used across time or places. This research explores academic achievement and growth, and new approaches to measurement, for early learners.

Preparing early learners: Considerations for supporting the kindergarten class of 2021
Among the many ways in which schools are being transformed by the COVID-19 pandemic, the change in kindergarten enrollment is likely to have important consequences in classrooms across the nation. Because the academic and nonacademic skills students develop in their preschool and early elementary school years are foundational to important longer-term outcomes, understanding these changes and finding ways to effectively support our youngest studentsā learning is critical for educators and leaders. Drawing on recent research, we offer four timely considerations for district, school, and classroom leaders.
By: Beth Tarasawa, Angela Johnson, Christine Yankel
Topics: Equity, COVID-19 & schools, Early learning

The lasting benefits of preschool
The Wall Street Journal‘s Susan Pinker reports on new research examining the extent to which the benefits of pre-K education persist through kindergarten.
Mentions: Erik Ruzek, Arya Ansari, Robert Pianta, Jessica Whittaker, Virginia Vitiello
Topics: Early learning

This study examined the benefits of pre-K through the end of kindergarten for children from low-income homes in a large and diverse county, and factors associated with a reduction in benefits during the kindergarten year.
By: Erik Ruzek, Arya Ansari, Robert Pianta, Jessica Whittaker, Virginia Vitiello
Topics: Early learning

Mind the kinder-gap: New data on childrenās math and reading skills as they enter kindergarten
Data on childrenās academic preparation at kindergarten entry tell a story of both declining achievement and shrinking gaps.
By: Christine Pitts, Megan Kuhfeld
Topics: Early learning, Equity

5 patterns in math skills of new kindergartenersāand 4 ways to address them
Learn what research shows about the variation in math skills early learners have when they enter kindergarten and ways to support building of these foundational skills.
By: Elizabeth Barker
Topics: Equity, Early learning, Math & STEM

Trends in children’s academic skills at school entry: 2010 to 2017
This study examines academic skills at kindergarten entry from 2010 and 2017 using data from over 2 million kindergarten students.
By: Megan Kuhfeld, James Soland, Christine Pitts, Margaret Burchinal
Topics: Equity, Early learning

Impacts of school entry age on academic growth through second grade
Does entering school older give students an edge? New research suggests an early advantage may fade in later grades.
By: Angela Johnson, Megan Kuhfeld
Topics: Student growth & accountability policies, Early learning