Working paper

Achievement and growth for English Learners
This study reports achievement and growth from kindergarten to 4th grade for three groups of English Learners. The findings suggest summer support is required to help ELs maintain and develop academic skills.
By: Angela Johnson
Topics: Equity, English Language Learners, Seasonal learning patterns & summer loss

Understanding differential growth during school years and summers for students in special education
This study compares within- and across-years academic growth for students who were ever in special education (ever-SPED) to students who were never in special education (never-SPED) in grades K-4. Ever-SPED students grew more in math and reading than never-SPED students during many school years, but lost more learning during every summer than their peers, leading to expanding disparities. These findings suggest that summer learning opportunities are crucial for improving educational outcomes for students with disabilities.
By: Angela Johnson, Elizabeth Barker
Topics: Equity, Growth modeling, Seasonal learning patterns & summer loss

Within-year achievement gains for English Learners
This study reports achievement levels and fall-to-spring gains in grades K to 8 for three groups of English Learners (ELs):Ā ever-ELs who were ever eligible for service; current-ELs who continue to require service; and dually-identified students eligible for both EL and Special Education services.
By: Angela Johnson
Topics: Equity, English Language Learners

GGMncv: Nonconvex penalized Gaussian graphical models in R
A new software package, GGMncv, provides alternatives to graphical lasso (ā1-regularization) for study of complex relations in multivariate datasets.
By: Donald Williams
Topics: Measurement & scaling

Dual language education and academic growth
This study examined math and reading academic achievement and growth in grades 2 to 8 for Hispanic participants and nonparticipants of a Spanish-English dual language program.
By: Angela Johnson
Topics: Equity, English Language Learners, Seasonal learning patterns & summer loss

Dual identification? The effects of English Learner status on special education placement
This study examines the effects of English Learner (EL) status on subsequent Special Education (SPED) placement.
By: Mark Murphy, Angela Johnson
Topics: Equity, English Language Learners

Looking back: how prior-year attendance impacts starting achievement
This research uses interim assessment test results to measure the impact of prior year attendance on starting achievement the following year. Results show the impacts are significant and persistent.
By: Shannon Bi, Emily Wolk
Topics: School & test engagement, Student growth & accountability policies