Increasing Fluency in Middle School Readers
This study examines the effects of a newly developed fluency protocol on historically marginalized students in three Grade 6 classrooms in a large urban school district. The protocol was designed for ease of use and does not require that educators have prior knowledge of reading instruction.
Topics: Education research, Insights and reports, Instructional strategy & resources, Literacy

Using MAP Growth for gifted and talented service placement decisions
This document offers guidance on how NWEAĀ® MAP Growth can help educators decide which students are ready for or would benefit from advanced learning opportunities, such as gifted and talented programs.
Topics: Assessment, Equity, Insights and reports
Products: MAP Growth

Triangulating assessment data: How to use MAP Growth and MAP Reading Fluency reports together
Learn about the best MAP Growth and MAP Reading Fluency reports to pull and how to look at them together, whether youāre a school leader or classroom teacher, in this best of Teach. Learn. Grow. eBook.
Topics: Assessment, Early learning, Insights and reports, Literacy, Professional learning
Products: MAP Growth, MAP Reading Fluency, MAP Suite, Professional Learning

Fact Sheet
MAP Growth Course Specific Math Assessment Fact Sheet
This fact sheet provides an overview of the MAP Growth course specific math assessments. Learn what types of tests are available, how the assessment provides answers to important questions about student achievement and growth, how it helps educators make more confident decisions. Ā
Topics: Assessment, Math
Products: MAP Growth

Standards for Mathematical practice: Quick Reference Guide
Quick reference guide to support teachersā implementation of mathematical practices in their classrooms.
Topics: Instructional strategy & resources, Math, Professional learning
Products: Professional Learning

Standards for mathematical practice lesson planning tool
This tool supports educators to plan for and elicit evidence of student progress towards learning goals of a lesson. Using a blend of the college- and career-ready shifts and NCTM’s 8 effective mathematics teaching practices as a framework, educators adapt lessons that connect the academic standards and standards for mathematical practice (SMP) to foster ambitious instruction.
Topics: Instructional strategy & resources, Math, Professional learning
Products: Professional Learning

Fact Sheet
2022 norms for MAP Growth course-specific tests in Algebra 1, Algebra 2, and Geometry
A 4-page document outlining the user norms for MAP Growth tests in Algebra 1, Algebra 2, and Geometry. Includes details on how the user norms were developed, how user norms differ from national representative norms, and what years of data were used to craft them. Detailed charts are included that cover fall to winter, Fall to spring, and winter to spring norms.
Topics: Education research, Insights and reports, Leadership, Math
Products: MAP Growth