Research meets practice: How educators are responding to the latest COVID-19 impact results
Educators and NWEA researchers offer research-backed suggestions and strategies to help recover unfinished learning and chart a new path forward after the COVID-19 pandemic.
Topics: Education research
Products: MAP Growth

How to use assessment and grade-level texts to close the opportunity gap
Literacy is a fundamental skill. Without it, a student is much less likely to live up to their potential. Help your teachers understand how best to support their readers.
Topics: Equity
Products: MAP Reading Fluency

Helping hesitant teachers embrace technology in the classroom
One-on-one reading fluency assessments may be familiar and commonplace in early learning classrooms, but there’s a better way. Learn more about the time savings, objectivity, and holistic data available with technology-based fluency assessments.
Topics: Literacy
Products: MAP Reading Fluency

MAP Reading Fluency: Data in action
MAP® Reading Fluency was designed to deliver a superior reading assessment experience for emerging readers. See how the solution leverages innovative speech-recognition technology to provide teachers with objective, actionable reading data.
Topics: Assessment
Products: MAP Reading Fluency

Literacy and SEL: What you need to know
Culturally responsive texts can be a child’s window to the world or a mirror to their inner self. See how early literacy and social-emotional learning go hand in hand.
Topics: Social emotional learning
Products: MAP Reading Fluency

COVID-19 altered nearly every facet of education last year. Watch the webinar with a panelist of experts as they discuss new research from NWEA on the academic progress of students during the pandemic and implications for policies and practices aimed to support recovery and advance learning for historically underserved communities.
Topics: Education research, Policy & advocacy
Products: MAP Growth

Policy Paper
Informing COVID-19 recovery: Insights from NWEA’s MAP Growth assessment and policy recommendations
How can policymakers and education leaders advance learning for all students next year and beyond? These equity-focused recommendations by NWEA Policy and Advocacy, informed by new NWEA research on student achievement trends in the 2020-2021 school year, can help federal, state, and district leaders support learning recovery for all students and lay a strong foundation for student success.
Topics: Policy & advocacy
Products: State Solutions