Engaging students in goal setting and monitoring progress
In this webinar, you’ll hear research-backed recommendations about how your teachers can support student goal setting and practices in the classroom that empower student voice and choice.
Topics: Instructional strategy & resources
Products: Professional Learning

Case Study
How one Michigan district achieved alignment with trustworthy data
In this case study, understand how a Michigan district used their MAP assessment data to align teachers and families while improving learning outcomes for all students.
Topics: Assessment, Leadership
Products: MAP Growth

Assessing student learning in the ānew normalā: Considerations for policy and practice
In this webinar, our panel of practitioners, policy experts, and researchers discussed the role of high-quality assessment data, alongside nonacademic information, as a critical component of district and state efforts to address student and systems-level needs in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic.
Topics: Education research, Policy & advocacy
Products: MAP Growth

How can education leaders help students start thinking about their education goals beyond high school? Watch this video about NWEA’s College Explorer tool to see how we can help.
Topics: Insights and reports
Products: MAP Growth

Case Study
A Michigan elementary school taps the power of data to effect positive change
To make big changes, schools sometimes need to go slow. Read how one Michigan school used data to evolve its culture, inform interventions, and address COVID-related learning loss.
Topics: Leadership
Products: MAP Growth

How did COVID impact student learning? The data is in
Our panel of experts discuss the impact interrupted learning had on student growth, along with the implications of this research for educators and policy makers.
Topics: Education research, Policy & advocacy
Products: MAP Growth, State Solutions

White Paper
Kā12 Assessment Policy Recommendations for the 117th Congress and the Administration
NWEA recommendations to the federal government regarding the need to expand flexibility and incentivize innovation in both assessment and accountability systems.
Topics: Policy & advocacy
Products: State Solutions