MAP Reading Fluency: Year Three Recommended Learning Pathway
This straightforward professional learning plan will help you soar to new heights in your third year with MAP Reading Fluency, with support to administer assessments, analyze data, and drive system-wide improvement.
Topics: Assessment, Insights and reports, Professional learning
Products: MAP Reading Fluency, Professional Learning

MAP Reading Fluency: Year Two Recommended Learning Pathway
This straightforward professional learning plan will help you progress in your second year with MAP Reading Fluency, with support to administer assessments, analyze data, and accelerate student achievement.
Topics: Assessment, Insights and reports, Professional learning
Products: MAP Reading Fluency, Professional Learning

MAP Reading Fluency: Year One Recommended Learning Pathway
This straightforward professional learning plan will get you up and running in your first year with MAP Reading Fluency, with support to administer assessments, analyze data, and take action.
Topics: Assessment, Insights and reports, Professional learning
Products: MAP Reading Fluency

Case Study
MAP Reading Fluency returns instructional time, more objective results to Georgia elementary school
Learn how a Houston County, GA school used efficient, timely data from MAP Reading Fluency to deliver instructional support and save on testing time.
Topics: Assessment, Early learning, Literacy
Products: MAP Reading Fluency

Case Study
Georgia school bolsters foundational literacy skills with insights from MAP Reading Fluency
See how Bonaire Elementary School in Georgia used MAP Reading Fluency to address foundational skills and create far-reaching benefits for their students.
Topics: Assessment, Early learning, Literacy
Products: MAP Reading Fluency

MAP Reading Fluency Foundations Online
Foundations Online provides convenient access to the knowledge and tools staff across your school or district need to administer assessment, analyze reports, and act on data.
Topics: Professional learning
Products: Professional Learning, MAP Reading Fluency

Fact Sheet
MAP Growth and MAP Reading Fluency Foundations Online
Foundations Online provides convenient access to the knowledge and tools staff across your school or district need to administer assessment, analyze reports, and act on data.
Topics: Assessment, Insights and reports, Professional learning
Products: MAP Growth, MAP Reading Fluency