Transformative leadership: Harnessing data to drive equity, growth, and impact
Dr. Adam Drummond and district leader Steven Etheridge focus on developing skills to analyze and interpret key data for strategic planning, building systems to collect and visualize actionable data, and promoting data literacy to close opportunity gaps and drive equitable success.
Topics: Insights and reports, Leadership, Professional learning, School improvement
Products: MAP Growth, MAP Reading Fluency, School Improvement

Straight facts on dyslexia: What the research actually tells us
NWEA literacy expert Dr. Tiffany Peltier hosts a timely, evidence-based webinar about dyslexia. Dr. Peltier shares research findings, details how screenings available in MAP Reading Fluency with Coach can support young readers, and offers strategies for helping colleagues and caregivers better understand our most common learning disability.
Topics: Accessibility, Early learning, Education research, Literacy
Products: MAP Reading Fluency

How to support students with dyslexia
Dyslexia is a complex reading difficulty that can impact early learners. See how screening, high-quality reading instruction, and relevant strategies can improve outcomes and foster confidence.
Topics: Literacy
Products: MAP Reading Fluency

Make the switch to MAP Reading Fluency
Use this checklist to compare MAP Reading Fluency with 1-to-1 reading fluency assessments. When it comes to supporting emerging readers, does your test measure up?
Topics: Assessment
Products: MAP Reading Fluency

Sneak peek: Map Reading Fluency with coach
NWEA’s early reading specialists shared a preview of this groundbreaking solution, showing how MAP Reading Fluency with Coach saves teachers a significant amount of time by precisely placing K–5 students within tech-enhanced 1:1 tutoring. You can close those reading gaps!
Topics: Assessment, Early learning, Instructional strategy & resources, Literacy
Products: MAP Reading Fluency

Today, Jacob is joined by an Alaskan and a Texan: Moon McCarley, Principal at Nondalton School and District Testing Coordinator for The Lake and Peninsula School District, located on the Alaska Peninsula; and Ashley Cruz, State Professional Learning Consultant at NWEA. They discuss how NWEA partners with districts across Alaska to create high-impact professional learning opportunities to expand assessment literacy. Along the way, Moon shares her experience as a Certified Facilitator and talks about how it helped her grow as a leader.
Topics: Equity, Leadership, Professional learning, School improvement
Products: Professional Learning

Beyond the numbers: Insights from your literacy data
NWEA early literacy experts teamed up with a district-level data whiz for a lively discussion on inventorying literacy data to help your team make informed changes to instruction. Presenters also shared how to triangulate points between MAP® Growth™ and MAP® Reading Fluency™, spot anomalies, track trends and more.
Topics: Early learning, Insights and reports, Instructional strategy & resources, Literacy
Products: MAP Growth, MAP Reading Fluency