The utility of adaptive testing in addressing the problem of unmotivated examinees
This integrative review examines the motivational benefits of computerized adaptive tests (CATs), and demonstrates that they can have important advantages over conventional tests in both identifying instances when examinees are exhibiting low effort, and effectively addressing the validity threat posed by unmotivated examinees.
By: Steven Wise
Topics: Measurement & scaling, Innovations in reporting & assessment, School & test engagement

This study, using real data, provides empirical evidence of construct and invariance construct of MAP scales across grades at different academic calendars for 10 different states.
By: Shudong Wang, Marth S. McCall, Hong Jiao, Gregg Harris
Topics: Measurement & scaling, Test design

The current investigative study uses a multiple-indicator, latent-growth modelling (MLGM) approach to examine the longitudinal achievement construct and its invariance for MAP Growth.
By: Shudong Wang, Hong Jiao, Liru Zhang
Topics: Measurement & scaling, Growth modeling

These studies are conducted based on assumptions under regular conditions for fixed test forms, such as no missing responses and normal distribution of unidimensional ability for a population.
By: Shudong Wang, Hong Jiao
Topics: Measurement & scaling, Computer adaptive testing, Item response theory

Do high flyers maintain their altitude? Performance trends of top students
In this study from the Thomas B. Fordham Institute, achievement trends from NWEA’s longitudinal growth database were used to track students who scored at or above the 90th percentile on this assessment in order to see if they maintained their high achievement.
By: Yun Xiang, Michael Dahlin, John Cronin, Robert Theaker, Sarah Durant
Topics: Equity, High-growth schools & practices

A level playing field: College readiness standards
This study examines the academic growth of 35,000 elementary and middle school students in 31 states—all of them high achievers within their own schools—over a three-year period.
By: Michael Dahlin, Beth Tarasawa
Topics: Equity, College & career readiness

Developing more meaningful definitions of college readiness
Complementing traditional quantitative measures with more qualitative tools can help determine college and career readiness.
By: John Cronin, Michael Dahlin